Plan for World Peace
I guess there's really not much to say...I first discovered Hawaiian shirts back when I was in high school. They're loud, bright and somehow expressive of a mood or a state of mind that contradicts modern civilities and conformity. I've known many people who describe them as "ugly" or "hideous". What these people, and so many others like them don't seem to understand is that that's the point. It's amazingly freeing to adorn one's self in a garment that's sole purpose is to scream individuality,happiness,leisure...ALOHA. To wear an Hawaiian shirt is an act of self-emancipation! I know that whenever I put one on I feel an instantaneous sense of relaxation and an overall drop in stress. The Hawaiian shirt is far more effective than any pill I've ever found! I once theorized a workable plan for world just issue every soldier on both sides a beautiful bright Hawaiian shirt--a different shirt for each soldier. Everyone would be so relaxed and contented that the idea of killing each other would be the last thing on any of their minds. | En línia fa 8277 dies Darrera actualització: 28/1/06 13:38 no estàs registrat ... per posar comentaris o històries
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by chaland (28/1/06 13:30)
Nome: Lirineu Andrade
Idade: 20 Principal oucupação: Pensar Oucupação secundária: Viver e conhecer gente...
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