dimarts, 7. de setembre 2004
Good News
12.08.04 Good news for Sasek fans! – A DOCUMENTARY This has been very much a labour of love so far, and we need help to make it a reality. The project is produced by Northern Line Films in Paris and they are currently looking for broadcasters worldwide as well as financial backing/sponsorship. Also Harold would be keen to hear about anyone who knew M. Sasek and could help with research. Please could you contact anne@miroslavsasek.com if you think there’s any way you could help. All information and advice will be very gratefully received. Updates on the project will go out to the mailing list so sign up if you want to be kept informed. ... Link |
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Weblogs de l'Escola Quadernet *Actualització
2006* Paperet" %> Belgolb" %> La Vista" %> *Actualització,...
by chaland (28/1/06 13:30)
Nome: Lirineu Andrade
Idade: 20 Principal oucupação: Pensar Oucupação secundária: Viver e conhecer gente...
by Dhammayazika (19/5/05 9:31)
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