BOB MARLEY- Misty Morning

Misty mornin', don't see no sun;
I know you're out there somewhere having fun.
There is one mystery - yea-ea-eah - I just can't express:
To give your more, to receive your less.
One of my good friend said, in a reggae riddim,
"Don't jump in the water, if you can't swim."
The power of philosophy - yea-ea-eah - floats through my head
Light like a feather, heavy as lead;
Light like a feather, heavy as lead, yeah.

See no sun! Oh.
Time has come, I want you -
I want you to straighten out my tomorrow! Uh.
I want - I want - I want you - (tomorrow).
Oh, wo-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!
I want you to straighten out my (tomorrow)!

Misty (morning) mornin', don't see no sun;
I know you're out there somewhere having fun.
Mysteries I just can't express:
How can you ever give your more to receive your less?
Like my good friend said, in a reggae riddim:
"You can't jump - you can't jump in the water, if you can't swim."

I want you (I want you) - I want you to straighten out my today -
My tomorrow - my-my-my - my - my
(I want you to straighten out my tomorrow).
On a misty morning, uh! (I want you to straighten out my tomorrow).
Oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh!
(I want you to straighten out my tomorrow)
Straighten out my tomorrow - my tomorrow! Need some straightenin' out!
(I want you to straighten out my tomorrow)
Mist! Mm. (I want) Mist! (you to straighten out my tomorrow)
Misty! Oh! (I want you to straighten out my tomorrow)
En línia fa 8275 dies
Darrera actualització: 28/1/06 13:38
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